Did You Know? – The First Recorded Fire in Detroit

Did you know, that the first recorded fire in Detroit occurred in 1701. 


At that time Detroit was a fort, Fort Ponchatrain, with log stockade walls.  Indians set fire to a barn located outside the stockade.  High winds spread the flames and it consumed 3 houses and St. Ann’s Church before it was extinguished.


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Detroit Fire Department History – June 7th – First Ambulance & Coffee Wagon

Today in DFD History – June 7th, 1927

Detroit Fire Department’s first ambulance went into service at Second and Burroughs, Engine 17’s quarters. 

1927 dfd ambulance

This was only the second such unit in the United States. The ambulance was a gift to the department from Paxton Mendelssohn, a fire buff that later became a member of the Board of Fire Commissioners, in memory of his mother, Lydia. The ambulance also served as the department’s Coffee Wagon.


Mendelssohn also donated the departments second ambulance in 1937, once again in memory of Lydia.

1937 ambulance

This ambulance was custom built on a Cadillac chassis by the Meteor Motor Company of Piqua, OH.  In 1951 it was completely rebuilt and modernized, once again as a gift from Paxton.


1969 rolled around and once again Paxton donates a brand new modern Medical Unit to the department.  As always, it was donated in memory of his mother.

1969 detroit medical unit


Detroit Firefighter, WWII & Korean War Fighter Pilot – Audio Story

In honor of all the men and women who have served our country at home and abroad.

I recently had the privilege of interviewing a 92 year old retired Detroit Firefighter who was also a WWII & Korean War Fighter Pilot and Reservist for 30 years.

As is typical with several WWII vets, he has not often talked to his family about his military service. The precious memories he shared with us the day he was interviewed have been edited and compiled into a audio presentation for his family. We have plans of pairing this with family photos in the future. It is my hope that these interviews will become a cherished part of this family’s history, and a fitting legacy to the wonderful man that Bill OBrien is.

What is presented here is a small compilation of the entire interview. I hope you enjoy it, and that it inspires you to speak to your parents & grandparents about their life and write down or record their stories for your future generations.


Detroit Firefighter, WWII & Korean War Fighter Pilot – Audio Store
You can hear all our stories and read more in our archives.

! memorial day

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Celebrating Special Occasions; Detroit Fire Department Style

Birthdays, promotions, last day of work before retirement, they’re all special occasions worthy of a celebration.  If you’re a Detroit Firefighter working in the engine house, that celebration could include a special meal, a visit from all the companies in your battalion, or being “Pied”.

“Pied” is not a typo.  It doesn’t refer to the type of pie you eat.  It’s a special pie made by filling a coffee filter with whipped cream (or occasionally shaving cream).  After it is prepared it is carefully, and sceretly transported to the person of honor and presented to them in a special manner.  buck gussof bday

As the saying goes,”It’s all in the presentation”.  In the case of a DFD pie, it is deliver by sneaking the pie near enough to the honoree and quickly smushing it in their face. 

The best Pieings happen when

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Detroit Fire Department History – Detroit Fire Department Band

Today in DFD history – April 17, 1920

The Detroit Fire Department Band was organized by Captain Anthony Delesie, Glenn Middleditch, Otto Klatt (all of Rescue 1), and a fourth unidentified man from another fire company.  Their first public appearance was marching in the Armistice Day Parade.

1920's dfd band

Detroit Fire Department Band and other Fire Department members –  1920’s era

By 1926 the band had grown to 44 men.

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Remembering One of the Best – Chief Richard Hartsfield

My heart is filled with sorrow.
May you rest in peace retired Chief Hartsfield.
You were one of the BEST!

Lt hartsfield

Richard A. Hartsfield
Retired Battalion Chief, 2nd Battalion
Lived: 01/16/1953 to 04/12/2013
Served: 02/13/1978 to 12/07/2012

When you started a shift with Chief Hartsfield you knew you were going to have interesting and thought provoking conversation.
You knew you would hear a funny story told by a master story teller.
You knew you were going to learn something that day.
You knew you were with a boss that would do everyting possible to keep you safe.
You knew you were loved.

I sincerely hope he realized the impact he has had on me and countless others throughout his life.

Chief, you are deeply missed.

Visitation:  Friday, April 19, 2013
James Cole Funeral Home
16100 Schaefer Hwy., Detroit, 48235
9:00am to 9:00pm

Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
1000 Eliot Detroit, MI  48207
In State: 10:00am
Funeral Mass:  11:00am

Chief Hartsfield was as passionate about music as he was about firefighting. He served as Detroit Fire Department Band Director for several years. Click here to read more about the band.

Detroit Fire Department History – March 28

Today in DFD history – March 28, 1962

The first two-way portable radios were issued to the department.

This ushered in an era of time spent on anxiety ridden seaches for “lost” radios by the firefighters who were responsible for them.

Of course, no firefighter would ever purposly moved a radio just to watch a guy sweat over where he left it. !  a 2 way

Question: Did a radio ever go “missing” while you were on duty? Tell us about it by leaving a comment.


Who made the first two-way?
So who was the geniuse who made the first two-way radio, and when was it invented? The answer varies greatly depending on the source you belive.

A paper written by Guy Cramer claims the first portable was invented by Don Hings. Of course, it should be noted that Guy is Don’s

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Detroit Fire Dept. – Firemen’s Hall Art Exhibit

The first public art exhibit in Detroit was held at the Firemen’s Hall in February 1852.FiremenHall-Detroit

The exhibit proceeds went to fund further construction of the Hall.  The first floor of the Hall housed storefronts that were rented to businesses, which provided additional  funds for the building and  the Fire Department Association.

When the Hall was completed it served as a public auditorium for theaters, concerts and other public entertainment.  It also contained a spacious reading room and established a considerable library.

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Did You Know? – #0003

When fully wound Gamewell Turtle Gongs, previously used by the Detroit Fire Department, would strike 250 times.  

gamwell system


You may also be interested in ths YouTube video that shows a collection of Gamwell fire alarm antiques.


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Detroit Fire Department History – Flying Squadrons

Today in DFD history – 1908

Detroit Fire became the first department in the nation to use a gasoline propelled auto as a fire apparatus.

two flying squads

Detroit’s Flying Squadorn – the left side is from a postcard.

It was a 6-cylinder Packard.  Dubbed the “Flying Squadron”, it responded to box alarms staffed with 10 men.  The first Flying Squadron was stationed at E. Larned at St. Antoine, Flying Squadron Engine 30.

How many faces can you match?

How many faces can you match?


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