06-14 Detroit Firefighter Military LODD – Edward Smalley

Today in Detroit Fire Department history – June 14, 1918, Detroit Firefighter Military Line of Duty Death

Former Detroit Firefighter Private Edward Alonzo Smalley made the ultimate sacrifice in service to his country (WWI).  At the time of his death Eddie was 28 years old.

Smallley enlisted in August 1917.  He was a member of the Fiftieth Company United States Marine Corp.

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He was wounded in active service on June 13, 1918.  He died the following day at a base hospital in France.  He had been in France since November 1917.

Private Smalley’s parents were informed of his death via telegram which read:

“Regret to inform you that cablegram received from abroad advising that Private Eddie Alonzo Smalley, Marine Corp, died June 14 of wounds received in action.  Body will be interred abroad until end of war.  Please accept my heartfelt sympathy in your greatest sorrow.  Your son gave his life nobly in defense of his country:.”

Smalley joined the Detroit Fire Department on February 16, 1917.  He served as a substitute fireman.  He resigned from the department on May 23, 1917.


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