On cold days, like today, firefighters are presented with extra challenges. Porch stairs, sidewalks and roads become slick from the water used to put out the fire. You don’t walk, you slide your boots along like skates so that you don’t wind up with your backsides on the ground. In an effort to dry your gear between fire, every square inch of radiator space becomes a precious commodity.
You think and say things you would never would any other time of the year. Here are a few of my favorites.
– Hope my mustache doesn’t freeze off.
– I need to invest in electric boxers.
– Glad we don’t have the open cab rigs anymore.
– Can we leave a little bit of the fire burning just to keep us warm?
– Can’t wait to get home. I’m going to take a very HOT bath.
– Hope I brought enough dry T-shirts and underwear to last the shift.
– One word: Snotsicles!
– Boy did I pick the right time to take my furlough.
– Underarmour is the best invention, EVER!
– Hurry up and drain the line before it freezes solid.
– The day I get my 25 years on I’m heading South.
– I love my job. I love my job. I love my job? Said in an effort to try to remind yourself you really do have the best job in the world.
Do you have any additions to this list? Leave a comment below.